Nutfield is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for its students. We follow the standards set out by the Health & Safety Manual for NH Childcare Providers.
Health Forms
You will receive a health form for your child at the time of registration. In order for your child to attend school, we must have this form completed by your physician and returned to us by the first day of school in September. Health forms need to be updated annually.
Medication Authorization
If your child needs to receive medication during the day, an authorization form must be filled out by your physician and kept on file at school.
Emergency Information Forms
Each family will fill out an Emergency Information Form. This gives us permission to transport your child to the nearest hospital (Parkland Medical Center) in case of an emergency. It tells us where you can be reached in case of an emergency, gives us the names of people to call in case you cannot be reached, and lists alternative pick-up people.
Accident Report
If an accident occurs while your child is at school, an accident report will be filled out. The report will be reviewed with you and signed by you, any witnesses, and the Director. The report is kept on file at the school.
Daily Observation
Each day when your child arrives at school the teacher will observe him/her to determine their fitness to be in school. If there is a question, the Director will be called in to observe. If it is determined that the child is too ill to be in school, the parents will be called and the child will be isolated until they are taken home. Please use good judgment in determining whether or not to send your child to school. If your child is too ill to go outside, they are too ill to be in school.
Guidelines For Illness
TEMPERATURE: Oral temperature of 101º or greater accompanied by behavior changes or other signs of illness until medical evaluation indicates inclusion in the program, or until free of temperature for 24 hours.
VOMITING: Two or more times in the previous 24 hours.
In Case Of Contagious Illnesses
Strep Infection: 24 to 48 hours after treatment has been initiated, and until the child has been without a fever for 24 hours.
Conjunctivitis: Child should be excluded until 24 hours after treatment has begun.
Lice: Child should be nit free before being readmitted to school.
Impetigo: Child should be excluded until 24 hours after treatment has begun.
Parents do not need to call the school if their child is sick unless they have a contagious disease, have been out for more than 3 days, or if their class is going on a field trip.